Projets de recherche

104 résultats

Líder de projeto: Hugo Vieira

Co-líders de projeto: Sizenando Abreu, Fernando Morgado



Palavras chave:

MercuryMercury remobilizationSuspended particulate matterMercury transportDelft3D modelRia de AveiroExtreme eventsdredging activitiesClimate Change


An important issue today is to understand in what extent cycling of mercury in the future may be altered in regard to Climate Change. Predictions imply that most of the parameters that determine the global mercury cycle today will change. Laranjo bay (Ria de Aveiro) received, during five decades, a large amount of mercury from a highly contaminated chlor-alkali plant effluent discharge from the industrial Estarreja complex. Due to natural remediation processes, in which layers of less contaminated particles overlap with contaminated sediment, most of the mercury released to the lagoon has been trapped in the deeper layers of sediments. Natural and extreme events, Climate Change, or man-made events (dredging activities of the outlet channel will be conducted in the lagoon) can play an important role in the mercury distribution in Ria de Aveiro, since they may promote the remobilization from the deeper layers of sediment to the water column. Under the extreme events and Climate Change scenarios, detailed information on mercury remobilization and transport in Ria de Aveiro is critical to understand the environmental cycling of mercury and relevant for the development of cost-efficient strategies towards reducing the negative impacts of this metal. This study will provide valuable information on the remobilization and transport of mercury from the historically most contaminated area towards adjacent areas of the lagoon, not only through field monitoring but also through modelling, in a Climate Change scenario (four distinct hydrodynamic scenarios), in order to build a prediction procedure contributing to mitigate future disturbances.


Sizenando Abreu, Fernando Morgado, João Dias

Líder de projeto: Elisabete Figueiredo

Co-líders de projeto: Sandra Valente



Palavras chave:

Content AnalysisEnvironmental Risk from Industral activitiesIndustry work


In 2015 we proposed a project to OHMI – Estarreja titled A Fábrica e a Vida – Narrativas e Imagens dos trabalhadores do Complexo Químico de Estarreja em torno do trabalho nas fábricas, da sua complementaridade com outras atividades e do risco ambiental», within which 30 in-depth interviews or life stories to current and former workers of the Estarreja Chemical Complex (CQE) were registered. Those life stories constitute a rich patrimony, not only to CQE itself, but also to Estarreja Municipality, as they convey the workers’ narratives about their life trajectories, about the nature of work in the factories, about environmental and health risk perceptions, as well as about the complementary activities. The evidence gathered from these Life Stories also helps to understand the population adaptation strategies regarding the territorial transformations (economic, environmental, demographic and social) induced by the creation and functioning of CQE. Therefore, through the narratives gathered, it is possible to rebuild the collective history and memory of Estarreja population and territory in their relationship with the CQE which, since 1952, constitutes a strong and relevant identity feature both for the territory and the population. The analysis of the interviews reveals extremely interesting aspects about the transformations of CQE, work and life during the last four or five decades, which are worthwhile to be disclosed to a wider public, in order to preserve this rich and important cultural patrimony and to disseminate the memories on the ‘factory and the life’. The disclosure and dissemination of those narratives is also a way of paying tribute to the main protagonists of the relationship between the factories, the territory and the daily life: the workers of CQE.


Elisabete Figueiredo, Sandra Valente, Diogo Soares da Silva

Líder de projeto: Jean-Philippe Bedell



Palavras chave:

alternance séchage/humidificationécosystèmes anthropisésmatière organiquemobilité environnementalepolluants organiques


Dans ces écosystèmes « artificiels », ou issu de la gestion et de la contamination humaine, nommé ici comme des anthropoécosystèmes, la biodisponibilité et le transfert aux organismes vivants est un enjeu de compréhension du risque liés à ces milieux. Il a été démontré la présence de contaminants organiques, et étudié l’évaluation du transfert de polluants organiques, vers les plantes et les vers de terre. La caractérisation physico-chimiques des matrices étudiées a permis d’évaluer cette biodisponibilité mais peu de choses ont abordé la matière organique (MO) présente et son rôle vis-à-vis des polluants et de leurs mobilités environnementales. La dégradation de la matière organique par les invertébrés et les microorganismes du sol est un processus fondamental qui détermine des fonctions importantes du sol, telles que la disponibilité d’éléments nutritifs, mais aussi de polluants. Cette MO modifie physiquement, chimiquement le biotope de ces sols et donc de l’ensemble des interactions avec les polluants qui sont présents. L’hypothèse est que ces molécules hydrophobes peuvent être fixées ou transportées (voire biodisponibles ou bioaccessibles) par la MO ou des substances issues de cette MO et de son évolution. Ce transport « facilité » ou « spécifique » va donner lieu à une dispersion et donc une mobilité environnementale (notamment vers la biocénose) qui sera à relier à la qualité biologique du sol et qui peut être modifiée (en pire ou en mieux) notamment dans le cadre de perturbation physique comme l’alternance de période de sécheresse et d’humidification suite aux pluies.



Líder de projeto: Jean-Philippe Bedell



Palavras chave:

anthroposolsactivités biologiquesmatière organiquemobilité environnementalepolluants organiques


Le sol est un compartiment environnemental qui est soumis à des activités anthropiques qui peuvent lui apporter de nombreux contaminants. Plusieurs travaux ont réalisé des mesures de contaminants dans les sols, et les eaux et dans certaines plantes, évalué la modification de l’occupation de sols, et la caractérisation de la microflore bactérienne dans ces sols anthropisés d’Estarreja. Cependant, la mobilité environnementale des polluants peut être liée à différents facteurs environnementaux (physiques, chimiques et biologiques). Ainsi, certains paramètres physico-chimiques des matrices ont été étudiés pour évaluer cette biodisponibilité mais peu de choses ont abordé la matière organique (MO) présente (notamment via la litière et sa MO morte), sa typologie et son rôle vis-à-vis des polluants et de leurs mobilités environnementales. La dégradation de la matière organique par les invertébrés et les microorganismes du sol est un processus qui détermine des fonctions du sol, telles que la disponibilité d’éléments nutritifs, mais aussi de polluants. De plus, la décomposition de la litière végétale fournit des habitats et de la nourriture à une grande diversité d’organismes qui concourent à la biodiversité et délivrent des services écosystémiques. Le projet proposé a pour objectif d’explorer les fonctions ou services écosystémiques de ces milieux anthropisés en relation avec l’acquisition de certaines caractéristiques de ces sols comme la matière organique (MO) présente (pédogénèse...) mais aussi en terme de biodiversité (indice « qualité » de sols ; vers de terre ; relevés floristiques…) et d’activités biologiques notamment en lien avec la dégradation de la MO (litière de végétaux morts).



Líder de projeto: María Nazaret González Alcaraz

Co-líders de projeto: Susana Loureiro, Isabel Henriques



Palavras chave:

Climate changeAir temperatureSoil moistureSoil microbiotaMultiple stressorsAnthropogenic-degraded ecosystems


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts increasing air temperatures and decreasing soil moisture content, the soils being among the most affected components of terrestrial ecosystems, especially in anthropogenic-contaminated areas. Soil microorganisms are key players in terrestrial ecosystem functions and services, quickly responding to environmental stresses. MICROCLIM aims to assess how microbial populations of agricultural soils affected by the contamination derived from the Estarreja Chemical Complex may be affected under the current global warming perspective, by using changes at structural and functional level. The specific objectives are: 1) assessing structural and functional changes in microbial populations of contaminated agricultural soils induced by single climate factors (soil moisture content and air temperature and their relation to changes in soil chemical and physicochemical parameters, and 2) assessing structural and functional changes in microbial populations of contaminated agricultural soils under different climate change scenarios, simulated by climate factors combinations (soil moisture content and air temperature), and their relation to changes in soil chemical and physicochemical parameters. Climate factors ranges will be established based on the emission scenarios predicted by the IPCC by 2100. The project will rely on changes in soil microbial populations at structural (bacterial community phylogenetic composition) and functional (microbial metabolic activity) level and their relation to key soil parameters (pH, organic matter, metal(loi) availability). MICROCLIM will improve the capacity to predict the consequences of global warming in soil microbiota from anthropogenic-contaminated soils, which, in turn, will enable a better preservation and sustainability of soil ecosystem functions and services.


Susana Loureiro, Isabel Henriques

Líder de projeto: Christelle Gramaglia

Co-líders de projeto: Sofia Coelho Bento



Palavras chave:



Ce projet vise à développer, à partir d'études sociologiques comparées menées dans 2 sites industriels du ROHM du Labex DRIIHM, une réflexion interdisciplinaire sur les savoirs, les incertitudes et les ignorances à propos des risques environnementaux et sanitaires. L’objectif est de partir des données disponibles, et de résultats originaux produits à l'occasion d'un stage post-doctoral, pour identifier des différences et similitudes dans les modes d’appréhension et de prise en charge des pollutions dans deux territoires littoraux Sud-Européens. Nous ambitionnons ainsi de mieux comprendre les raisons qui poussent à taire ou bien publiciser les risques environnementaux et sanitaires induits par la pollution, selon les époques. Nous prêterons une attention toute particulière aux efforts de connaissance experts et profanes qui visent à documenter les effets des pollutions sur la vie quotidienne des populations concernées. Nous examinerons les perceptions tout autant que les contraintes qui pèsent sur les riverains et leurs engagements pour faire face aux risques. Nous nous poserons enfin la question de savoir comment rapprocher les partes prenantes pour ouvrir sur de nouvelles possibilités de surveiller et réguler les risques dans les territoires soumis à de fortes pressions anthropiques de manière concertée.


Sofia Coelho Bento, Maria Teresa Condesso de Melo, Lucia Oliveira Fernandes, Joana Guérin

Líder de projeto: Andrés Andrés Rodríguez Seijo

Co-líders de projeto: Ruth Pereira, Anabela Cachada, Nuno Durães, Carla Patinha, Isabelle Laffont-Schwob



Palavras chave:



This project proposes to study the impact of Microplastics in agricultural soils, though the assessment of several soil properties: physical (soil texture, soil structure and bulk density), chemical (pH, cation exchange capacity, organic matter, potentially toxic elements and compounds) and biological properties (soil enzymatic activity and/or soil organisms). Although this project could be developed in any region, Estarreja region offers an exceptional environment due to having a mixed area of agricultural and industrial activities, where MPs can act as carriers of potentially toxic elements and compounds, as reported for aquatic ecosystems. Further, insights brought by this project can be useful to support the development of soil management measures specifically targeting the restoration of the quality of soils from Estarreja.


Ruth Pereira, Anabela Cachada, Carla Patinha, Nuno Durães, Isabelle Laffont-Schwob

Líder de projeto: Serigne Abdoul Lahad Yade

Co-líders de projeto: Ana Catarina Sousa, Yves Noack


ChimieMedecineSante publique

Palavras chave:

Pollution de l'air intérieurBPCOPollution aux métauxtessekéréEstarrejaexposition fumée de biomassezone indusrialisée


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, particularly in low and middle-income countries. Historically, smoking has been identified as the leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the world. However, exposure to other risk factors is increasingly being recognized as a possible cause of COPD. Indoor air pollution, for example, is one of those risk factors. The sources of indoor contamination might be derived from industrial activities and/or indoor activities such as biomass burning for cooking and heating. About 3 billion people, half the worldwide population, are exposed to smoke from biomass fuel compared with 1.01 billion people who smoke tobacco, which suggests that exposure to biomass smoke might be the biggest risk factor for COPD globally. In populations with low smoking prevalence, such as women in developing countries, it is estimated that 80% of chronic bronchial obstruction cases are attributable to factors other than tobacco. In this project, we intend to implement the RESPIRA project that is being developed in the highly industrialized area of Estarreja, Portugal, in Tessekéré, Senegal in order to study the contribution of exposure to biomass smoke to chronic pulmonary diseases. The results obtained with these twin projects will allow to better understand the role of the indoor environment on the development and progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in two countries with distinctive contamination sources and with different socio/economic and geographical characteristics


SERIGNE ABDOUL LAHAD YADE, Yves Noack, Ana Catarina Sousa, Ramiro Pastorhino, Carla Valente, Ricardo Pais

Líder de projeto: Myriam Lopes

Co-líders de projeto: Johnny Reis, Maria de Fátima Alves


BiochimieChimieSciences de gestionSante publique

Palavras chave:

Low-cost sensorsAir qualityPopulation awarenessCivil protection.


Emissions of air pollutants and consequent air pollution cause a variety of adverse impacts on human health, crops damage, losses of biodiversity, acidification of soils and surface waters, including impacts on buildings and cultural heritage. Despite significant emissions decrease and air quality improvement in Europe and Portugal over the last decade, ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM) atmospheric levels still exceeding EU standards. Nowadays, environmental monitoring is based on fixed measurement stations containing sophisticated analytical equipment to achieve a high data quality. Due to the high cost of investment and maintenance, only a limited number of pollutants (e.g. CO, NOx, SO2, O3, PM10, PM2.5) are monitored at quite few locations. The fundamental information available on air quality does not meet the needs of citizens or the requirements of advanced environmental information services, city infrastructure supervision or civil protection management and emergency systems. Emerging low-cost sensor technologies can change this paradigm allowing pollution monitoring with high spatial-temporal resolution available at every person´s fingertips. Environmental information from stationary and mobile sensor networks could be integrated and make available to the public, supported by new Information and communication Technologies. The availability of micro sensor data promotes a fruitful background for the development of new information services addressing personalized citizen needs, as well, as urban planning and management and, decision making requirements. The main objective of this project is to evaluate the use of reliable air quality micro sensors and to contribute towards decision-making and civil protection support, based on big data approach.


Johnny Reis, Maria de Fátima Alves

Líder de projeto: Alda Marques

Co-líders de projeto: Ana M. Sousa, Ana C. Sousa


BiologieEco-epidemiologieMedecineSante publique

Palavras chave:



PRISMA capitalizes on MicroRESPIRA, which found high abundance of bacteria, allergic and pathogenic agents for the human respiratory tract above the admissible values set by the National Legislation in the homes of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therefore, these people are at higher risk of having acute exacerbations, which causes severe individual, social and economic impacts. However, little has been done to improve patients’ awareness about the impact their home environment might have in their disease and quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an evidence-based intervention known to improve patients’ education, reduce symptoms, exacerbations, hospital admissions and quality of life however, it is highly inaccessible. PRISMA will overcome this barrier. It will also enhance our understanding of the mechanisms behind the effectiveness of PR by exploring the modulation of lung microbiota, since acute exacerbations might be caused by individual’s microbiota, however, this is still poorly understood.


Ana C. Sousa, Ana M. Sousa, Carla Valente, Sara Miranda, Célia Freitas

Líder de projeto: Nuno Durães

Co-líders de projeto: Carla Patinha, Anabela Cachada, Ana Luís, Ruth Pereira



Palavras chave:

Rice paddiesSoil quality statusAgrochemicalsHeavy metalsSalinityEcotoxicological essaysDiatoms


Estarreja is a region of marked contrasts, where an almost unique ecological reservoir, the Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL), contrasts with one of the most important chemical industry of the country. Fortunately, these contrasts between nature and man’s hand are not always so marked. Integrated in this ecological reserve, man modelled the land and used the surface water reservoirs to develop there an agricultural practice dedicated to rice cultivation, and perfectly harmonized with the surrounding landscape – the “Bocage landscape”. However, rice cultivation in the region of BVL (the only place in the north of Portugal where rice is cultivated) has been abandoned in the last decades. The reasons for this abandon are several, however the main one is the low paid prices for the produced rice and the unproductivity of the soils caused by saline water intrusion. Since now some funds are being provided to encourage rice production in this region, it is important to study the actual quality status of the soil (geochemical and ecological status) in the rice paddies under cultivation and in the abandoned ones. This study is crucial not only to assess and understand the potential of this area to support this agricultural practice (in the present and in the future), but also to estimate the possible environmental impacts that may arise from rice cultivation in a protected ecological landscape like this one.


Carla Patinha, Anabela Cachada, Ana Luís, Ruth Pereira

Líder de projeto: Jean-Philippe Bedell

Co-líders de projeto: Susete Martin Dias



Palavras chave:

EcotoxicologyBioavailabilityPollutants mobilityRisk assessmentOrganic pollutantsEmerging contaminantsSoilsEarthwormsPlantsEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental quality


Soil, an important environmental compartment, is largely affected daily by anthropogenic activities such as industries, traffic and waste disposal. These activities can bring to the soils large quantities of several contaminants and consequently they can easily enter the food chain and the trophic scale of ecosystems via plants and animals. This type of organic pollutants can persist for long times in the environment, being susceptible to transport for long distances, then they can easily reach a large geographic area and be widely dispersed. It is of an extreme importance to assess the environmental and human health risk pose by this problem. In this work, an evaluation and a comparison study will be done through bioavailability tests and ecotoxicological bioassays with plants and invertebrates in order to assess the real risk inherent to the presence of such pollutants in soils of an important industrial area: Estarreja (Portugal) as well as in the“casiers Girardon” of Rhône river (France). These constructions were responsible for significant changes in the sedimentation processes in the river banks especially during overflow episodes. Sediment deposition can lead also to several ecosystem and health risks once some inorganic and organic pollutants can be associated to these sediments.


Claudia COELHO, Susete MARTIN DIAS, Renata Ferreira, Rui Fragoso, Manuela Inácio, Myriam Hammada, Yves Perrodin

Líder de projeto: Elisabete Figueiredo

Co-líders de projeto: Sandra Valente



Palavras chave:

Análise de ConteúdoAnálise de ImprensaNarrativas mediáticas sobre o CQERisco ambiental e seu tratamento mediático.


Desde a sua criação, o Complexo Químico de Estarreja (CQE) introduziu transformações reais na vida quotidiana das populações do concelho de Estarreja, no seu poder económico, nos seus hábitos e práticas de consumo, na sua paisagem e meio ambiente. O aparecimento e desenvolvimento das empresas que formam o CQE não se fez sem custos ambientais e sem colocar, às populações envolventes e aos ecossistemas naturais, riscos relevantes que se materializaram em alguns casos em problemas concretos de poluição atmosférica, dos solos e da água, com impactos ambientais evidentes e igualmente na saúde humana e nas atividades económicas, particularmente na agricultura. O CQE integra estabelecimentos industriais que possuem grandes quantidades de substâncias perigosas cujo o transporte, armazenamento, manuseamento e transformação configuram situações de risco de acidentes industriais graves, quer para os próprios trabalhadores, quer para a população envolvente. Esta circunstância contribui para ‘marcar’ o território local, conferindo-lhe uma identidade bastante específica no contexto regional e nacional, bastante assente na indústria química e, sobretudo, nos riscos que a mesma foi representando, ao longo dos últimos 60 anos. Estas características, especialmente os aspetos associados ao risco, concorrem para a constituição do CQE como objeto potencialmente mediático, ou seja, potencialmente alvo da atenção dos meios de comunicação social, essencialmente de âmbito regional, mas igualmente à escala nacional. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é a análise do tratamento mediático dado ao CQE pela imprensa escrita nacional, no sentido de contribuir para a reconstituição da história do Complexo e da sua relação com a envolvente.


Valente Sandra

Líder de projeto: Paula Marinho

Co-líders de projeto: Yves Noack, Gaël Le Roux, Samuel Robert



Palavras chave:

Geographical Information SystemsPotentially Toxic ElementsGeostatisticsMultivariate AnalysisIsotope Fingerprinting


The main aim of the project is to carry out a systematic geochemical soil mapping in the areas of Estarreja, Vicdessos, Gardanne and Marseille. Geochemical soil mapping is needed in order to understand the sources, transport, transformations, and fate (including human and ecosystem health) of chemical constituents in the settings of the different Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (OHMs). Geochemical soil maps will be produced by the regional interpolation of element concentration data obtained from samples collected from georeferenced sites and the digital soil maps (DSM) will be made publicly available on the Internet to potential end-users. Elemental concentrations in the soil will be determined using a field-portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (FPXRF). Given the multiplicity of anthropogenic sources that are characteristic of urban and industrial environments under study, isotopic studies will be carried out for tracing and quantifying mixed sources of certain potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soils.


Gaël Le Roux, Yves Noack, Samuel Robert, Maria Eduarda Pereira, Jorge Medina, Marina Cabral Pinto, Joana Coimbra, François De Vleeschouwer, Didier Galop, Catherine Keller, Jesus Diaz-SAnz, P-E. Mathe, Guirec Ollivier, J-C. Raynal, H. Miche

Líder de projeto: Jean-Philippe Bedell

Co-líders de projeto: Susete Martin Dias



Palavras chave:

EcotoxicologyBioavailabilityMobilityRisk assessmentOrganic pollutantsEmerging contaminantsSoilsEarthwormsPlantsEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental quality


Soil, an important environmental compartment, is largely affected daily by anthropogenic activities such as industries, traffic and waste disposal. These activities can bring to the soils large quantities of several contaminants and consequently they can easily enter the food chain and the trophic scale of ecosystems via plants and animals. This type of organic pollutants can persist for long times in the environment, being susceptible to transport for long distances, then they can easily reach a large geographic area and be widely dispersed. It is of an extreme importance to assess the environmental and human health risk pose by this problem. In this work, an evaluation and a comparison study will be done through bioavailability tests and ecotoxicological bioassays with plants and invertebrates in order to assess the real risk inherent to the presence of such pollutants in soils of an important industrial area: Estarreja (Portugal).


Claudia COELHO, Susete MARTIN DIAS, Myriam HAMMADA, Renata FERREIRA, Rui Fragoso, Manuela Inácio