Projets de recherche

104 résultats

Líder de projeto: Nuno Durães

Co-líders de projeto: Carla Patinha, Anabela Cachada, Ruth Pereira, Luís Portela



Palavras chave:

Alluvial soilsPotential toxic elementsREEsecotoxicology essaysbioaccumulationgeogenicanthropogenic inputs


The Baixo Vouga Laugar (BVL) is a very particular example of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. This region, characterised by highly productive soils, enticed humankind to take advantage of its land and surface water reservoirs for the development of various agricultural practices (e.g., rice paddies, cornfields, pasture, among others). The high fertility of BVL's soils is owed to their development under the influence of alluvial deposits, materials with loamy texture, high porosity and marked organic matter enrichment. However, as demonstrated by the results obtained in other OHM projects, some of these soils are enriched in several potential toxic elements (PTEs). For this reason, the TracEnviSoil project intends to obtain a screening of the distribution of metal(loid)s of greater concern, as well as of rare earth elements (REEs), in order to ascertain the most probable sources (geogenic versus anthropogenic) of these trace elements, but also their (bio)availability and eco-toxicity in agriculture soils. This would allow to infer the potential risks for soil productivity, by creating harmful conditions for the soil microbiome and plant growth. Finally, the bioaccumulation of PTEs in the edible parts of plants will be evaluated in order to estimate the risk of their entry into the food chain, namely of animals and humans that feed on the vegetable products grown on these soils.


Carla Patinha, Anabela Cachada, Ruth Pereira, Luís Portela

Líder de projeto: Hugo Vieira

Co-líders de projeto: Maria Bordalo e Sá, Andreia Rodrigues, Diana Campos, Sónia Coelho, Sizenando Abreu and Fernando Morgado


BiologieChimieSante publique

Palavras chave:

Risk-benefits analysisSociety engagementEnvironmental and human healthFood safetyDietary guidelines


Estarreja region, located nearby Ria de Aveiro, is widely known for its mercury (Hg) historical contamination (e.g. Largo do Laranjo) due to previous activities of a chlor-alkali industry. At the same time, a variety of fishing activities are usual in this lagoon. Due to its high nutritional value, fish and seafood consumption have been linked to the prevention of some human diseases, especially regarding cardiac and circulatory disorders. Unfortunately, fish and seafood are also considered as the major pathway of Hg exposure in humans. More than 90% of the Hg present in fish tissue is found mainly as methylmercury (MeHg), the most toxic form. Due to the potential adverse human health effects, international agencies have established Reference Doses (RfD) as recommendations concerning Hg intake. Despite the recognized importance of fish/seafood to the human Hg intake, studies that assess this exposure risk in Portugal have been focusing on only some species and mostly restricted to Academia. In addition, scientific language is often not clear for the general public. So, in order to contribute to a knowledge transfer from Academia to Society, this proposal aims to evaluate fish consumption habits and potential Hg exposure of Estarreja population and to develop and share tools with simple and precise language that will contribute to an informed decisions on the consumption of fish/seafood involving not only decision makers and but also the target population.


Hugo Vieira, Maria Bordalo e Sá, Andreia Rodrigues, Diana Campos, Sónia Coelho, Sizenando Abreu, Fernando Morgado

Líder de projeto: Flavio Silva

Co-líders de projeto: Luis Tarelho, Mara Madaleno



Palavras chave:

BioremediationBiofilmsBiocharSoil fertiliserProof-of-concept


Over ten years the OHM-E has unravelled negative impacts of the industry on the quality of soils surrounding Estarreja. Yet, it is not all bad news. Previous research (DRuMBEAT) has conceptualized and tested a path for bioremediation of contaminated soils based on exploitation of their indigenous microbiomes coupled with biochar (pyrolysed biomass). Model organic contaminants in Estarreja-surrounding soils were successfully biodegraded by biochar-attached biofilms naturally engineered from contaminated soils, which proved them to be better adapted to inhibitory environments than those retrieved from “clean” sites. Though the hypotheses were successfully demonstrated, the biochar-microbial synergisms in contaminated soils surpassed the initial expectations by significantly boosting the biochemical activity, thus anticipating further benefits in development of a broader quality strategy for Estarreja soils. Additionally, biochar production can be tuned to target local-based feedstocks management, yield optimal porosity and redox chemistry to carry biofilms and immobilise contaminants, and provide further long-lasting fertilisation. While the former research answered to “How does it work?”, MOSAIC project aims at addressing “How feasible/profitable is it?” to consolidate and transfer the following purposes: (i) biochar can be produced from renewable feedstocks existing in Estarreja; (ii) pyrolysis parameters can be tuned to match both immobilisation of soil contaminants and controlled release of valuable plant nutrients; (iii) enhanced activity of the soil microorganisms enriched onto biochar benefits both soil remediation and fertility; and (iv) the microbial-laden biochar can turn into an innovative Estarreja-based fertiliser, providing that its agronomic value and cost-effectiveness are ensured through proper evaluation towards a proof-of-concept development.


Luis Tarelho, Mara Madaleno

Líder de projeto: Renata Tavares


BiologieMedecineSante publique

Palavras chave:

ToxicologyIndustrial ContaminationHeavy MetalsFemale (In)FertilityFemale Reproductive Potential


Exposure to toxicants generated from (or used in) industrial processes has contributed towards the decrease of female fertility and reproductive potential worldwide. Considering the increased risk of exposure in the modern world due to industrial growth, it is crucial the assessment of the reproductive potential of women living in an industrial-related area, particularly if there is already a history of local contamination. The city of Estarreja presents the second largest chemical complex in Portugal and contamination of heavy metals was earlier reported. After efforts to counteract this issue, the fertility and reproductive potential of women from Estarreja is still lacking. Importantly, heavy metal measurements in women folicular fluid will be performed and using an in vitro animal model system developed in our lab we will further unveil if female reproductive potential is affected. Oocyte maturation and both oocyte and cumulus cells viability will be evaluated as well as indicators of oxidative stress. Finally, other parameters of oocyte quality such as ooplasmic volume, spindle configuration and chromossomal alignment will be analyzed. Further lectures addressing environmental pollution and its implications on female, and general human fertility will be given to infants and teenagers at schools of the municipality.


Teresa Almeida Santos, João Ramalho-Santos, Ana Paula Sousa, Maria Inês Alfaiate, Maria Soares

Líder de projeto: Anabela Cachada

Co-líders de projeto: Ruth Pereira, Nuno Durães, Carla Patinha


ChimieEcologieGeologieSante publique

Palavras chave:

Volatile Organic ContaminantsPotentially Toxic ElementsPotential risksSoil saturated layerContamination hotspots


The Estarreja Chemical Complex (ECC), composed essentially by chemical plants that produce, among others, aniline, nitrobenzene, PVC, isocyanide polymers of aromatic base and polystyrene polymers for thermal isolation, has been pointed as a major threat to the environment and to public health in the region. For decades, the different ECC industries disposed off solid wastes directly on the permeable sands without containment, and untreated liquid effluents were discharged directly on streams connected to the coastal lagoon. Due to the geological features (unconsolidated detritic sedimentary rocks) of this region, that allows the contaminant’s dispersion, there is a high vulnerability of the aquifer to environmental hazards. Although waste management practices improved significantly in the last years, there are still signs of groundwater contamination. Indeed, previous studies indicate that the ECC is a vulnerable area due to the presence of multiple pressures (agriculture, industry and urban activities) and hotspots of organic and inorganic contaminants were already identified. However, there is a space-temporal variation of these hotspots that was not yet fully understood and it is not clear yet how contaminants are reaching the aquifer. Thus, this project aims at understand the dynamics behind the groundwater contamination and the processes that result in specific hotspots, and consequently identify sources and pathways of contaminants. Moreover, since some of the contaminants previously identified are classified as carcinogenic and highly toxic, the potential risks to the environment and human health will be also evaluated.


Ruth Pereira, Nuno Durães, Patinha Carla

Líder de projeto: Sofia Bento

Co-líders de projeto: Christelle Gramaglia



Palavras chave:

expérimentation collaborativerecherche-actionrisquesincertitudessantéenvironnement


Le projet AGORARISK propose une recherche-action destinée à favoriser le dialogue entre chercheurs, citoyens et agents de l’Etat autour des incertitudes et des risques environnementaux et sanitaires sur le Complexe Chimique d'Estarreja. Plus précisément, il vise à comprendre les conditions de possibilité de dialogue et de travail en commun entre mondes différents pour expérimenter et coproduire des outils susceptibles de réduire le clivage existant entre savoirs scientifiques et savoirs citoyens. La région d'Estarreja a fait l’objet de nombreuses études, mais des recherches récentes ont mis en évidence des lacunes importantes en matière de communication à propos des risques. Les situations de débat avec la population impliquant élus, scientifiques et agents de l’Etat sont rares. Les conséquences sont des tensions et une perte de confiance. Alors que côté scientifique, des données sont bien disponibles puisque plusieurs équipes nationales et internationales de chercheurs s’intéressent aux problèmes de contamination à Estarreja. Nous désirons œuvrer à faciliter le rapprochement des différents acteurs locaux qui vivent avec la pollution au quotidien en créant de façon expérimentale les conditions d’un dialogue sur les incertitudes et les risques de contamination. L’implication des populations est une dimension urgente dans ce contexte précis et ne peut exister qu’à travers de nouvelles formes d’organisation du débat adaptées au contexte sociohistorique. Notre projet propose une approche expérimentale participative de façon à encourager les chercheurs à travailler avec les acteurs locaux et à inciter les populations à découvrir le monde de la recherche sous un nouveau regard.


Christelle Gramaglia, Cristina Larrea-Killinger, Katrin Erdlenbruch, Lucia Fernandes, Teresa CONDESSO DE MELO

Líder de projeto: Ruth Pereira

Co-líders de projeto: Anabela Cachada, Carla Patinha, Nuno Durães



Palavras chave:

Soil Reference ValuesPotential Toxic ElementsRisk Assessment


Soil Reference Values (SRV) for potentially toxic elements (PTEs) are of utmost importance for the first tier of risk assessment of contaminated sites. The Portuguese Environmental Agency has recently proposed SRV for soil, based on their used, but the type of soil was not taken into account. However, and giving the role of soil properties on the mobility and bioavailability of contaminants it is widely recognized that SRV should be defined for different types of natural soils, or at least, they should allow readjustments based in the content of organic matter and clay of the target soil. In this context, to refine the ability of predicting the risks of contaminants affecting the soils, nearby the Estarreja Chemical Complex (ECC), this project aims to derive SRV for the main PTEs of concern in the area (As, Pb and Cu), by using a reference regosol, which is the particular type of soil that can be found in the area. This reference regosol will be the deliverable that will increase the afterlife duration of the project, as it will be useful for the future derivation of SRV for other PTEs, including organic contaminants.


Anabela Cachada, Carla Patinha, Nuno Durães, Ruth Pereira, Verónica Nogueira

Líder de projeto: Patrícia Santos


ChimieHydrologieSante publique

Palavras chave:

RainwaterPAHsinorganic contaminantssource assessmentenvironment riskhuman risk


The atmospheric pollution in Estarreja is a matter of concern, and its impacts on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as on human health, are still unknown. A previous project studied the chemical composition of rainwater in Estarreja and identified that local rainwater contains some contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals, with higher content at the industrial area than at a nearby background site, suggesting that industrial area may be a focus of contaminant emissions. The present project intends to evaluate whether five years later the industrial activities in Estarreja continues contributing for the emission of contaminants into the atmosphere, namely PAHs, metals and ionic constituents, which are then removed by precipitation. Thus, rainwater samples will be collected during one year simultaneously in different sites at the industrial area, and in an industrial background. The results from this study will be important to understand the sources of contamination in the industrial area of Estarreja, and to evaluate space-time changes, as well as the impacts of the contaminants on the environment and human beings (since rainwater is a way of availability of freshwater). In addition, the results will contribute to adopt strategies to reduce emissions of air pollutants, and to mitigate adverse effects to the environment and human health.


Armando Duarte, Mário Cerqueira, Anabela Cachada, Gabriela Santos

Líder de projeto: Heliana Teixeira

Co-líders de projeto: Ana I. Lillebø, Ana I. Sousa, Pedro Coelho, Ana Genua-Olmedo

Palavras chave:

EelgrassLocal ExtinctionsPassive RestorationStakeholder ConflictsParticipatory Approaches


The eelgrass Zostera marina L. once covered large areas in the Ria de Aveiro coastal but is reported locally extinct since 2010. A recent discovery of a new patch of Z. marina, locally known as “Fita”, reinitiates the history of local extinction-recolonisation episodes for this emblematic species in Ria de Aveiro Natura 2000 coastal lagoon. The FITA project proposes five passive restoration actions to bring together local stakeholders and protect the new population from eminent stressors in the short-term. FITA will gather knowledge on the local population dynamics and species features, for improving conservation in the mid-term. Finally, it will promote participatory approaches for reducing conflicts and promote sustainable use of space and natural resources in the long-term. FITA goal is to trigger action towards the protection and restoration of this vulnerable species, considered a priority habitat under EU Habitats Directive.


Heliana Teixeira, Ana I. Lillebø, Ana I. Sousa, João Pedro Martins Coelho, Ana Genua-Olmedo

Líder de projeto: Fabienne Wateau

Co-líders de projeto: Daniela Figueiredo, Johnny Reis, Carmem Giongo


AnthropologieBiologieEcologieHistoirePsychologieSante publiqueSocio-anthropologie

Palavras chave:

Anthropologie socialesensibilisation environnementaleparticipation citoyennepopulationsécolerestitutionprotection civile


Ce projet s'inscrit dans la thématique 1 : Évolution des rapports entre société et environnement, sous le volet Recherche participative : modifications des comportements et perception de l'information disponible en matière d'environnement. Il propose une recherche interdisciplinaire menée en interaction avec la population d'Estarreja et repose sur trois volets : des ateliers d’expériences de mesures avec des adolescents dans le cadre de leur cours de biologie à l’école ; des réunions de sensibilisation à l’environnement et à la sécurité avec des acteurs de la protection civile ; et des entretiens avec des habitants utilisateurs de la terre et de l’eau, dont certaines personnes âgées aux pratiques inscrites dans le temps long sur l’espace considéré. L’objectif est un enregistrement des savoirs et pratiques concernant les usages et les connaissances en matière d’environnement, sur un support audio, vidéo et photographique, en vue du montage d’un film pouvant être présenté à la population.


Daniela FIGUEIREDO, Johnny REIS, Carmem GIONGO

Líder de projeto: Daniela Figueiredo

Co-líders de projeto: Carina Lopes, Renato Mendes, Nuno Vaz, João Dias



Palavras chave:

EstarrejaAgricultural land useRemote sensingLandsatNDVINDWI


Agriculture is still a key sector for the local economy at Estarreja region, which has been suffering from several environmental pressures over the past decades. A strong heritage related to the released untreated effluents from industrial activity before the nineties is still present in many of the fields used for agriculture, with persistently high levels of contamination. Additionally, the region is also under the permanent threat of fluvial flooding and of saline intrusion, which is expected to intensify in the future as a consequence of the intensification of extreme weather events (floods and droughts) and mean sea level rise induced by Climate Change, hindering crop yields and severely affecting the local agriculture-based economy. The AGREST project aims to make a spatiotemporal perspective of the agricultural use of the land during the past 35 years at Estarreja region, using Earth Observation data based on Landsat records. Information on the occurrence of river floods, droughts, episodes of saltwater intrusion and discharge of untreated industrial effluents will also be retrieved and related to impacts on crop production. Awareness actions for farmers presenting free available remote sensing applications for crop management will be carried out.


Carina Lopes, Renato Mendes, Nuno Vaz, João Dias

Líder de projeto: Renata Tavares


BiologieMedecineSante publique

Palavras chave:



Exposure to toxicants originated from (or used in) industrial processes has shown to contribute towards the global decrease of male fertility and reproductive health status. Considering that the risk of exposure in the modern world is increasing due to industrial growth, it became imperative to assess the sperm quality and function and overall reproductive health status of populations living in an industrial-related area, particularly if there is already a history of local contamination. To this extent, the city of Estarreja encloses the second largest chemical complex in Portugal and contamination of heavy metals has been reported. The present pilot study, therefore, intends to use a representative sample of Estarreja’s adult population and unveil the male reproductive phenotype signature induced by these toxicants. Importantly, parameters of sperm quality as concentration, motility and morphology will be evaluated along with more accurate functional indicators of sperm fertilizing ability such as mitochondrial function, chromatin/DNA integrity, acrosome status and viability, often disregarded in this type of studies. Furthermore, the function of accessory sex organs will be determined in seminal plasma given their importance in seminal fluid production and sperm maturation. A representative sample of adult men from the Center region of Portugal will be used as control group.


Maria Inês Alfaiate, Ana Paula Sousa, Teresa Almeida-Santos, João Ramalho-Santos

Líder de projeto: Alda Marques

Co-líders de projeto: Patrícia Rebelo


MedecineSante publique

Palavras chave:



COATIVAR capitalizes on PRISMA where patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) and their families had access to a 12-week pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Although unquestionable benefits were obtained, they were then left with no community-response, adapted to their condition, to maintain such benefits. COATIVAR will be a community-response to maintain patients with CRD and their families integrated and active in the region of Estarreja. People with CRD are less active than their healthy peers and this inactivity is related to worse prognosis. Thus, encouraging patients to adopt a more active lifestyle is a major but highly challenging goal. Interventions adapted to the local context, using existing social support and community structures are the most successful. Estarreja has already in place a complex of sports and leisure activities. COATIVAR will work with the city council of Estarreja to adapt the existing resources to integrate and maintain these patients and families safely active.


Patrícia Rebelo, Sara Miranda, Célia Freitas, Sara Almeida, Luísa Pereira, Cristiana Santos

Líder de projeto: Iola Duarte

Co-líders de projeto: Célia Alves, Catarina Almeida, Bruno Neves, Luís Mendes, Tiago Adrega, José António Santos


BiochimieEcologie de la santeMedecine

Palavras chave:

Atherosclerosisparticulate mattermonocytes and macrophagesimmunometabolismphytochemicals and nutraceuticals


Exposure to airborne fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. ATHEROFIT aims at preventing and/or attenuating air pollution-mediated atherosclerosis via phytochemical-based metabolic immunomodulation. Samples of PM2.5 will be collected at Estarreja air quality station using reference gravimetric samplers. This will provide validated measurements of atmospheric PM2.5 levels and of their temporal/seasonal variations. Then, the atherogenic potential of PM2.5 will be assessed upon their in vitro incubation with primary human innate immune cells, namely blood monocytes/macrophages, which are key players in vessel wall inflammation and atherosclerosis. This will improve current understanding of PM2.5 effects on the cells inflammatory, metabolic and functional states and will reveal novel anti-atherogenic metabolic targets. Finally, selected phytochemicals acting on those targets will be screened for their ability to prevent/revert PM2.5-induced atherogenic effects. This is expected to reinforce the link between cardiovascular health and plant-derived natural compounds, typically abundant in fruits, vegetables and legumes, as well as to support the future development of atheroprotective phytochemicals as nutraceutical supplements. Overall, ATHEROFIT is expected to generate knowledge and to implement actions that, on the one hand, will increase public awareness on the health risks of air pollution and, on the other hand, will contribute for improving the cardiovascular health and well-being of susceptible populations living in highly industrialized areas like Estarreja. A multidisciplinary team of CHBV cardiologists and UA academic researchers with expertise in various areas such as environmental sciences, immunology and metabolism, has been assembled to conduct this work.


Célia Alves, Catarina Almeida, Bruno Neves, Luís Mendes, Tiago Adrega, José António Santos

Líder de projeto: Anabela Cachada

Co-líders de projeto: Carla Patinha, Ruth Pereira



Palavras chave:



Estarreja is known for its chemical complex, and several studies were performed in the region to evaluate the presence of contaminants in environmental matrices. Some hotspots of contamination were identified, nevertheless, the real dimension of the problem, i.e. the spatial distribution of organic and inorganic contaminants and the potential risks to the environment and human health, is not well understood. Indeed, despite decades of research and almost ten years after the OHM-Estarreja creation, it is still not clear if we are dealing with a contamination or with a real pollution problem. The reason why this issue was not yet clarified is related with the complexity of the problem (several matrices, types of contaminants and land uses; legacy of the past vs recent contamination) and because most of the studies are focused on a specific question and the data are scattered. In this context, a risk assessment analysis, is the best available tool to clearly understand the problem and to identify knowledge gaps. Thus, this study aims at collect and integrate existing data to understand the spatial distribution of contaminants, identify areas and contaminants of concern, the receptors and the ecosystem services at risk. As a final output it is intended to obtain a conceptual model that will support decisions regarding the management of this area as well as implementation of an analysis, monitoring or a remediation program. This will contribute for focusing the management of future OHM funds for achieving the ambitious goal of mitigating Estarreja environmental legacy.


Carla Patinha, Ruth Pereira