ChemREs2 “PAHs and inorganic contaminants in Estarreja rainwater: sources, spatial-temporal changes, and implications for the environment and human

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631985

Patrícia Santos


Can I eat this fish? - Dietary recommendations to reduce the mercury risk exposure

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631983

Hugo Vieira


Schools Tackling Estarreja's Air Pollution (STEP)

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631980

Célia Alves


TracEnviSoil - Tracing metal(loid) and rare earth elements contents in alluvial soils of Baixo Vouga Lagunar: Origin, availability and environmental issues

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631986

Nuno Durães


SENSE: SustainablE Nano Strategies for water remediation: Estarreja as a case study

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631981

Patricia Silva


MOSAIC “Application of microbial-laden biochar as a proxy for long-term sustainability of contaminated soils

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631984

Flávio Silva


SSTemWater: Sources and Short-term TEMporal evolution of GroundWATER contamination in Estarreja region

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631974

Anabela Cachada


Dilemmes dans la conception de l'engagement : partage de réflexions sur Agorarisk

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04612452

Sofia C. Bento, Lúcia Fernandes, Christelle Gramaglia, Teresa Melo, Katrin Erdlenbruch, Cristina Larrea-Killinger


MICRANT: Microplastics in Estarreja rivers and their role in the spread of pathogens and antibiotic resistance

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631972

Isabel Henriques


SAYFERT - Safety and effectiveness of Estarreja-based fertilizers under circular economy principles

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631971

Flávio Silva