Solid Phase distribution and oral Bioaccessibility of metals in Estarreja dust: assess the contribution of fraction < 63 µm.

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-01787726

Carla Patinha, Amelia Reis, Ana Claudia Dias, Eduardo Ferreira, P. Sousa


Influence of mean sea level rise on Ria de Aveiro littoral: adaptation strategies for flooding events and shoreline retreat

Article dans une revue OHMi Estarrejahal-01787727

J.M. Dias, C.L. Lopes, C. Coelho, C. Pereira, F.L. Alves, L.P. Sousa, I.C. Antunes, M. L. Fernandes, M.R. Phillips


Quantification and spatial distribution of several organic compounds in soils in the area surrounding the Estarreja Chemical Complex - A preliminary study

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631502

Manuela Inácio


Research on human bioaccessibility of potentially harmful elements in ground-level dust from the Bassin Minier de Provence and Estarreja: a multidisciplinary approach integrating geochemical, mineralogical, toxicological and health data

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631507

Amelia Paula Marinho Reis


Evolution of agricultural activity in the Estarreja from the 50’s: Historical analysis, present and future perspectives

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631509

Celeste Coelho


Assessing human exposure to aluminium, chromium and vanadium through outdoor dust ingestion in the Bassin Minier de Provence, France

Article dans une revue OHM Bassin Minier de Provence OHMi Estarrejahal-01143215

Amelia P. Reis, Carla Patinha, Yves Noack, Samuel Robert, Ana Claudia Dias


Assessment of the influence of traffic-Related particles in road dust using Sequential Selective Extraction and Oral Bioaccessibility tests

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-01787724

Carla Patinha, N. Durães, P. Sousa, Ana Claudia Dias, Amelia Reis, Yves Noack, Eduardo Ferreira


A águia-sapeira (Circus aeruginosus) no Baixo Vouga Lagunar: dieta, uso e seleção de habitat

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-01787728

M. Alves, M. Matos, J.P. Ferreira, S. Marques, I. Torres, C. Fonseca

28 Jui

Génotoxicité des particules de sols et atmosphériques dans les territoires des OHM-BMP et Estarreja

Communication dans un congrès OHM Bassin Minier de Provence OHMi Estarrejahal-04622645

Sophie Plumejeaud

17 Jui

Potentially Harmful Elements in soils and foodstuff surrounding the Estarreja Chemical Complex: Should the population be concerned?

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04621566

Manuela Inácio