Acumulação de metais pesados em forragens e produtos agrícolas em podzois de um local industrial português

Article dans une revue OHMi Estarrejahal-01787729

Manuela Inácio, Orquídia Neves, Virgínia Pereira, E.F. da Silva, N. Veiga


Ecologie de la santé en milieu contrastés: exemples du Ferlo et de la region d’Estarreja

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Téssékéré OHMi Estarrejahal-01792185

Gilles Boëtsch, Priscilla Duboz, Anne-Marie Guihard-Costa, Manuela Inácio


Factors affecting seasonal and spatial patterns of vertebrate diversity and activity in different habitats of the humanized landscape of BioRia / Biodiversity, prey-predator dynamics and environmental education at the humanized landscape of

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631506

Carlos Fonseca


Characterization of diet habits typologies of households of Estarreja: Preliminary Assessment

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631505

Ana R. Salgueiro


Local Adaptation Strategies for Flooding Risk: Case Study of Baixo Vouga Lagunar (Aveiro, Portugal)

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-01824445

I.C. Antunes, F.L. Alves


Combining geochemistry, geophysics and geostatistics to assess the spatial and temporal evolution of the organic contamination plume in the aquifers of the Estarreja region: repercussions on biodiversity, agricultural practices, human and

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631508

Carla Patinha


Research on human bioaccessibility of potentially harmful elements in ground-level dust from the Bassin Minier de Provence and Estarreja: a multidisciplinary approach integrating geochemical, mineralogical, toxicological and health data

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631507

Amelia Paula Marinho Reis


Quantification and spatial distribution of several organic compounds in soils in the area surrounding the Estarreja Chemical Complex - A preliminary study

Communication dans un congrès OHMi Estarrejahal-04631502

Manuela Inácio


Assessing human exposure to aluminium, chromium and vanadium through outdoor dust ingestion in the Bassin Minier de Provence, France

Article dans une revue OHM Bassin Minier de Provence OHMi Estarrejahal-01143215

Amelia P. Reis, Carla Patinha, Yves Noack, Samuel Robert, Ana Claudia Dias


Influence of mean sea level rise on Ria de Aveiro littoral: adaptation strategies for flooding events and shoreline retreat

Article dans une revue OHMi Estarrejahal-01787727

J.M. Dias, C.L. Lopes, C. Coelho, C. Pereira, F.L. Alves, L.P. Sousa, I.C. Antunes, M. L. Fernandes, M.R. Phillips