Projets de recherche

99 résultats

Líder de projeto: Carlos Manuel Martins Santos Fonseca

Co-líders de projeto: Eduardo Ferreira, Joaquim Pedro Ferreira, João Carvalho, Luís Miguel Rosalino, Maria João Ramos Pereira, Milene Matos, Tânia Barros, Victor Bandeira


BiologieClimatologieSciences de gestionSociologieZoologie

Palavras chave:

agropecuáriaatividades económicas tradicionaisbiodiversidadeconservaçãogestão dos valores naturaisRia de Aveiroserviços de ecossistemassustentabilidade


A transformação de ecossistemas nativos em áreas agrícolas, industriais ou urbanas é uma das maiores causas de perda de biodiversidade, a nível global. A gestão sustentável pode auxiliar na conservação do património natural, de forma integrada com outros usos do solo. Para tal, é crucial a integração do conhecimento sobre os ecossistemas com a matriz cultural e socioeconómica de uma região. A paisagem do Baixo Vouga Lagunar caracteriza-se por um mosaico de habitats naturais e antropogénicos. Este projeto tem como objetivo promover a gestão e conservação mais eficiente dos valores naturais da região, de forma integrada com a sua matriz cultural e socioeconómica, e contribuir para o aumento da resiliência do mosaico de habitats num contexto de alterações globais. O projeto resultará na identificação de áreas prioritárias para conservação e de boas práticas, que conciliem a preservação dos valores naturais e a viabilidade económica e o património cultural da região.


Victor Bandeira, Luís Miguel Rosalino, João Carvalho, Tânia Barros, Eduardo Ferreira, Milena Matos, Maria João Ramos Pereira, Joaquim Pedro Ferreira

Líder de projeto: Ruth Pereira

Co-líders de projeto: Anabela Cachada, Nuno Durães, Carla Patinha, Andres Rodríguez-Seijo



Palavras chave:



Estarreja Chemical Complex (ECC) is the second largest chemical complex in Portugal and has been classified by the Portuguese Environmental Agency as a "site of priority actions in terms of rehabilitation". Previous studies found that potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in Estarreja agricultural soils are associated with labile fractions, which results in their bioaccumulation and translocation in plant tissues of commercial interest, and a potential risk of transfer to the food web. Since nanotechnology has been presented as a promising technique for immobilising PTEs in soils, and particularly for reducing available contents, this project aims at evaluating the ability of nanoparticles to reduce PTEs mobility and their uptake by plants. The ability of nanoparticles to reduce the mobility of PTEs will be assessed though selective chemical extractions and by ecotoxicological assays. Thus, this project proposes to study the effectiveness of the use of nanoparticles usually employed into remediation strategies of contaminated soils to determine the changes in the mobility of potentially toxic elements assess the ecotoxicity of nanoparticles in laboratory conditions and evaluate the reduction of bioaccumulation and translocation of PTEs by plant species.


Cachada Anabela, Durães Nuno, Patinha Carla, Rodríguez-Seijo Andrés

Líder de projeto: Ana Sousa



Palavras chave:

“Moliço”Zostera nolteicarbon stocksstabilitytemporal changessedimentationclimate regulation


Seagrass meadows are globally significant blue carbon (C) sinks contributing to climate regulation, reduce sediment erosion and increase the sediment stability; thus, playing a key role in many ecosystem functions and ecological processes. Nevertheless, seagrass loss and degradation is occurring worldwide, leading to the release of C stored over millennia at these ecosystems. In Ria de Aveiro, seagrass meadows followed the global trend, and there was a great loss along the last decades of 20th century, mainly due to hydrological changes and dredging activities in the lagoon. Subtidal seagrass meadows disappeared and there was a great reduction of intertidal meadows extension and biodiversity. The harvesting of “moliço” (a mixture of seagrasses and macroalgae) and its use as fertilizer in agriculture was a traditional activity at Ria de Aveiro until the 1960’s. “Moliço” was collected and transported using traditional boats (“moliceiro”) and was frequently unloaded and commercialized at Murtosa wharfs. However, the economic value of this activity decreased over the 20th century and is currently lost. In the context of the OHM-Estarreja research topics “Biodiversity Evolution – ‘Evaluation of changes at Ria de Aveiro ecosystems’ and ‘Interaction among species, communities, population and ecosystems’”, this proposal intends to evaluate the spatio-temporal changes in Zostera noltei meadows at Murtosa region and the impacts of its vulnerability on the blue C stock. Potential drivers of change in these meadows will also be addressed.


Ana Sousa, Ana Lillebo, Carla Patinha

Líder de projeto: Aurélie Antonio



Palavras chave:

Cartographie dynamiqueDonnéesOpenDataVisualisationWebmappingWebSIG


Aujourd’hui chaque OHM a la possibilité de publier et de visualiser ses données georéférencées grâce à l’utilisation de GeoServer intégré à l’outil libre de géocatalogue GéoNetwork version 3. Toutefois cet outil ne permet qu’une visualisation simple et certains OHM ont déjà installé ou sont en demande d’outils de visualisation qui possèdent des fonctionnalités avancées (gestion de l’évolution temporelle, création d’une cartographie dynamique à la demande de l’utilisateur, …). Ce projet consiste à proposer aux différents OHM une analyse comparative (fonctionnelle et technique) de différents outils issus du monde libre ou sous licence propriétaire. Cette analyse sera proposée sur la base d’études de cas (maquettes) qui seront accessibles en ligne aux membres des OHM. Cela permettra de guider les choix d’applications métier à mettre en œuvre en fonction des différents besoins. Nous étudierons également la pertinence et la faisabilité d’une solution mutualisée gérée au niveau central par le ROHM.

Líder de projeto: Jean-Philippe Bedell

Co-líders de projeto: Dra. Manuela Inácio



Palavras chave:

BioaccumulationBio-accessibilitéBiocénoseBioteBiotopeEffets écotoxicologiquesEévaluation des risquesMatrices environnementalesExposition humaine


Les différentes matrices environnementales comme les sols, les eaux et les biotes peuvent être un indicateur de la pollution de l'environnement, car ils pourraient contenir des niveaux élevés de polluants organiques (PO) qui influent sur l'environnement et la santé humaine. Les PO sont résistants à la dégradation et peuvent persister pendant de longues périodes dans l'environnement. Ces composés peuvent être transportés par le vent sur de longues distances et peuvent aussi facilement entrer dans la chaîne alimentaire. Les gens sont exposés aux OP par ingestion, inhalation et absorption cutanée, provoquant des effets néfastes à la santé humaine en raison de leur caractère cancérigène et mutagène. Dans ce travail, les risques d'exposition pour les écosystèmes (effets écotoxicologiques) et la santé humaine seront évalués et surveillés sur certaines matrices environnementales présente à Estarreja, une zone très important industrielle, ou dans des friches industrielles de la vallée du Rhône, fonciers qui doit être revalorisés et/ou récupérés pour un usage. La biodisponibilité des PO sera évaluée et quantifiée par des extractions chimiques. Des tests de bioacessibilité seront effectués afin de déduire les concentrations de PO qui peuvent être incorporés par le biote et finalement atteindre les êtres humains. La bioaccumulation et des études écotoxicologiques seront effectuées afin de comprendre et de quantifier les niveaux d'accumulation et de toxicité potentiels de ces composés dans les différents compartiments de l'environnement et le biote. Cette étude vise à contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du comportement des PO dans la dynamique des écosystèmes et de déduire les risques réels d'exposition humaine, puisque les valeurs seules mesurées ne sont pas un moyen fiable pour la réalisation d’une évaluation des risques.

Líder de projeto: Myriam Janin

Co-líders de projeto: Paula Reis Marinho



Palavras chave:

Airborne particle matterPotentially harmful elementsChemical and isotopic tracersBioavailabilityInhalation routeHealth risksAir pollution


Toxic concentrations of potentially harmful elements in ambient air can lead to (1) hazardous impact of airborne PM in the health of the population and (2) contamination of water supplies, edible crops and human food supply. Estarreja and Provence regions are impacted by industrials activities, road traffic and growing urbanization and their air quality degradation is a major issue in terms of health risks and environmental impact. Exposure to PM has been associated with respiratory symptoms, decreased lung function, worsening of asthma and the development of chronic bronchitis. Considering that dust is the most important contributor for nonpoint source pollutants to aquatic and terrestrial systems, dust deposition data is relevant information to assess potential impacts on humans and ecosystems. This multi-proxy study aims at correlating dust origin (using isotopes “fingerprints”) and physicochemical dust properties, to potential risks (magnitude of exposure and bioavailability) in terms of human health and environmental effect.


Paula Reis, Yves Noack, Marina Cabral Pinto, Fernando Rocha, Cristiana Santos, Jean-Claude Raynal, Pierre Etienne Mathe, José Francisco Santos

Líder de projeto: Gael Le Roux

Co-líders de projeto: Paula Marinho



Palavras chave:

archives environnementalespollutions métalliquescernes d'arbresédiments côtierstourbesisotopie du plombisotopie du mercure


Les territoires des OHMs sont fréquemment concernés par des pollutions anciennes et actuelles. Ceci est particulièrement vrai pour les éléments trace métalliques comme le plomb, l’arsenic ou le mercure. Le projet RETROW utilise des archives environnementales dans 3 OHMs (Vicdessos, Estarreja et Nunavik) pour reconstruire les chronologies de la pression humaine en termes de pollution dans ces territoires. Les reconstructions combinant différentes archives comme les sédiments, tourbes, cernes d’arbre ou otolithes permettent de caractériser les niveaux naturels antérieurs aux pollutions ainsi que de reconstruire les chronologies de ces pollutions et leurs sources (traçage isotopique). La phase 2 a pour objectifs de compléter les acquis de l’an dernier ainsi que de développer de nouvelles approches comme les mesures isotopiques du plomb dans les tourbières du Nunavik ou bien les mesures de métaux dans les diatomées retrouvées dans les sédiments récoltés lors de la phase I de RETROW à Estarreja.


Paula Marinho, François De Vleeschouwer, Nuno Duraes, Salomé Fernandes Pinheiro de Almeida, Sophia Hansson, Franco Biondi

Líder de projeto: Fabienne Wateau



Palavras chave:

Anthropologie socialerisqueperceptionhistoires de vieagricultureaire protégéealternatives


Par une approche socio-anthropologique du contexte Estarreja/Aveiro, il s'agit de mettre en évidence un certain nombre de logiques adoptées par les populations pour s’adapter à un espace dont la pollution est avérée. La méthode consistera à recueillir des histoires de vie auprès des travailleurs de l’usine, comme auprès des agriculteurs de la terre contaminée, tout en portant une attention particulière à la mémoire des faits et des contextes dans lesquels la construction du pôle industriel a pu se développer, d’hier à aujourd’hui. Il s’agira aussi de constituer un dossier de presse et de l’analyser, pour retracer l’histoire de cette situation et sa mise en relation directe avec le site protégé d’Aveiro, à quelques kilomètres de là. Perceptions du risque, adaptations, alternatives et contradictions, par cette recherche à réaliser sur le terrain, à l’aide des méthodes qualitatives de la socio-anthropologie, l’étude contribuera à apporter le volet de sciences sociales complémentaire et forcément nécessaire aux recherches de sciences dures jusqu’alors réalisées sur ce site.


Manuelle Lagos Marques, Carmem Giongo, Mariana Rei

Líder de projeto: Daniela Figueiredo

Co-líders de projeto: Luís Jorge Gonçalves, Diamantino Sabina, Carla Coelho, Deolinda Brito Tavares


GeoreferencementHydrologieSociologieSante publique

Palavras chave:

Citizen ScienceWater quality monitoringnitratesfaecal bacterial indicatorsgeoreferenced web platform


Climate change is enhancing the effects of anthropogenic pollution, leading to severe impacts on inland water systems and posing risks to human health. Therefore, adaptation and mitigation actions for these major challenges related to water quality are crucial but must start involving local populations in the decision-making processes. Citizen science approaches can be a powerful tool for engaging citizens and scientists for a same purpose through a responsible and conscious action, taking advantage of recent technology. The CITAQUA project is a Citizen Science approach for Estarreja population through the monitoring of the downstream section of Antuã River and wells/boreholes from the surrounding areas, concerning nitrates and faecal contamination, two important water quality problems at this region. CITAQUA is expected to increase awareness about water quality and impacts from climate change and anthropogenic activities, by connecting academic scientists with local authorities and citizens (with a special focus on Youth).


Luís Jorge Gonçalves, Diamantino Sabina, Carla Coelho, Deolinda Brito Tavares

Líder de projeto: Ana Catarina Sousa

Co-líders de projeto: M. Ramiro Pastorinho


BiologieEco-epidemiologieMedecineSante publique

Palavras chave:

Indoor environmentRespiratory diseasesDustAsthmaCOPDFungiBacteria


The evaluation of indoor environmental quality and the development and progression of chronic respiratory diseases has received a great deal of attention over the past years. However, most of those surveys focus on single contaminants exposure (particularly fine particles or volatile organic compounds) and to our best knowledge there are no comprehensive surveys dealing with the multiple stressors present in the indoor environment. The microRESPIRA project, by providing an integrative approach between health sciences and environmental sciences, will contribute towards the characterization of the impacts of the indoor microbial community in the respiratory health of Estarreja inhabitants. The data generated within this project will not only provide a global picture on the prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases (asthma and COPD) in this highly industrialized area but will also allow the characterization, for the first time, of the indoor microbiome, including the presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria.


M. Ramiro Pastorinho, Luís Taborda-Barata, Sónia Mendo, Sónia Coelho, Cristiana Costa Pereira, Tiago Maricoto, Raquel Amaro Amaro, João Paulo Teixeira

Líder de projeto: Marta Monteiro

Co-líders de projeto: Susana Loureiro


BiologieEco-epidemiologieSante publique

Palavras chave:

ArsenicBiomarkers of exposureEpidemiologyMaternal transferPlacentaUmbilical cord


The Estarreja Chemical Complex (ECC) located in the Aveiro district is one of the major industrial areas of Portugal and contamination by the metalloid arsenic (As) has been documented for this area. Therefore, human exposure to As needs to be evaluated in this region, particularly in sensitive windows of exposure such as the prenatal period. In this context, the main goal of this project is to assess the maternal-fetal transfer of As in women living in the Aveiro district. In this work we will assess maternal and fetal exposure to As using potential non-invasive biomarkers of exposure (As levels in placenta, amniotic membrane and umbilical cord) in order to improve the knowledge about the As retention over the maternal-fetal-placental unit. The potential influence variables (sociodemographic factors, drinking water, food habits and lifestyle) that contribute to maternal and fetal exposure to As during pregnancy will be investigated. Furthermore, the effects of As accumulation patterns on oxidative stress, neurotoxicity and genotoxicity biomarkers will be evaluated in placental tissues. The distribution of As levels along the different counties of the Aveiro district will be one of the main focus of this research project. This will improve the knowledge on the exposure to As in the Aveiro district, and will provide relevant information for the potential action of local authorities if results show concern to human health.


Susana Loureiro

Líder de projeto: Anabela Cachada

Co-líders de projeto: Nuno Durães, Ana Cláudia Dias, Carla Patinha, Armando da Costa Duarte, Joana Lourenço, Tânia Caetano, Sónia Mendo, Ruth Pereira



Palavras chave:

Irrigation waterSoilContaminationMicrobial communityIndustryAgricultureMetagenomicsSoil enzymes activitySoil organic matter degradation


Soil is a vital resource responsible by multiple ecosystem services, crucial for the wellbeing and sustainability of human populations. Only in the last decades, faced with the level of degradation of soils within its territory, the European Commission has recognized the importance of soil functions. Indeed, it is now accepted that the maintenance of soil quality is vital for the European economic competitiveness. For centuries human activities have negatively affected soil functions, for example, through point/diffuse contamination. Estarreja is known for its large chemical complex, and several studies and projects were performed in the region to evaluate the presence of contaminants in groundwater, soil and biota. Some hotspots of contamination (both organic and inorganic) were identified in groundwater, which is used to irrigate farmlands. The cycling of contaminants between soils and aquifers may progressively affect the diversity and key specialized functions of the soil microbial community, especially important in agricultural soils. Thus, due to the importance of agricultural activity in the region (occupying 54% of land), it is crucial to understand how soils health may be affected by this source of contamination. Therefore, with this project we intend to link these two aspects by measuring some ecological key indicators (e.g.: the structural diversity of the soil microbial community, the degradation of soil organic matter and the activity of enzymes involved in the main geochemical cycles) to assess how the circulation of contaminants between aquifers and local agricultural soils is affecting the quality of this resource compromising its use for agriculture.


Nuno Durães, Ana Cláudia M. Dias, Carla Patinha, Armando da Costa Duarte, Joana Isabel do Vale Lourenço, Tânia Caetano, Sónia Alexandra Leite Velho Mendo, Ruth Pereira

Líder de projeto: Ruth Pereira

Co-líders de projeto: Pedro Pato, Armando da Costa Duarte, Joana Lourenço, Sonia Mendo, Anabela Cachada



Palavras chave:

Sediments Ria de AveiroContamination gradientMolecular biomarkers of oxidative stressMolecular biomarkers of neurologic activityIndustry


During decades effluents from the Estarreja Chemical Complex were directly discharged in the Ria de Aveiro lagoon through a system of ditches. “Esteiro de Estarreja” was the main channel receiving effluents rich in aromatic based and chlorine compounds and in toxic elements such as As, Hg, Pb and Zn. Consequently, most of the discharged contaminants are settled in the “Esteiro de Estarreja” channel, as well as in the inner basin where this channel discharges, the Laranjo Basin. Benthic organisms are in direct and permanent contact with sediments, and despite a decrease in surface sediment contamination, previous studies concluded that biota are still subject to bioaccumulation of contaminants such as PCBs, HCB, Hg, and As. In addition, it’s known that there is a gradient of contamination, with higher concentrations found in the channel, observed not only for sediments, but also for biota. This clearly provides an indication of areas with different levels.


Pedro Pato, Armando da Costa Duarte, Joana Isabel do Vale Lourenço, Sónia Alexandra Leite Velho Mendo, Anabela Cachada

Líder de projeto: Elisabete Maciel

Co-líders de projeto: Ana Isabel Lillebø, Rosário Domingues, Ricardo Calado, Pedro Domingues, Bruna Marques



Palavras chave:

Ria de AveiroSalicorniaHalimioneLipidomicsBioactive components


Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon has one of the largest continuous saltmarshes in Europe, with species distribution following the marsh’s topography. Halophytes are salt tolerant plants holding great potential for different biotechnological applications. To our best knowledge, the lipid composition of autochthonous halophytes colonizing the estuaries and coastal lagoons of Portugal is still unrevealed. HALOFOOD proposal aims to integrate two of the topics proposed by OHM-Estarreja (2016): i) Evolution of the Relations Between Society and Environment; and ii) Evolution of Biodiversity. Through an interdisciplinary approach and the involvement of the Marinhoa race breeders, the HALOFOOD team aims to decode the lipid profile of Ria de Aveiro saltmarsh halophytes for human consumption and livestock nutrition. Specifically, the goal is to determine the appropriate niche where they grow efficiently to produce good quality food and feed, as well as the best season to collect halophytes richer in bioactive compounds. To reach this goal, the project team, involving Biologists, Chemical Engineers, Biochemists and Pharmaceutical Scientists, will screen Ria de Aveiro halophytes targeting Salicornia ramosissima (already used for human consumption) and Halimione portulacoides (with potential use for human consumption). In addition, the Baixo Vouga Lagunar area used for livestock production will be will screened for the main halophytes species consumed by the Marinhoa Race. We believe that this innovative approach, through the use of lipidomics, and the science based knowledge to be generated will be broadly disseminated and play a key role in the regional, national and international valorization of halophytes.


Lillebø Ana Isabel, Marques Bruna, Calado Ricardo, Domingues Pedro, Domingues Rosário

Líder de projeto: Olga Ameixa



Palavras chave:

PhytoremediationHalopytesSalt contaminationSoilsSalicornia ramosissima


Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) is an area with a strong and balanced relationship between man, land and water, recognized by its high biological diversity. However, the impact of human activity (e.g. changes in the system hydrology) combined with climate change (e.g. sea level rise), have already affected BVL, wherein areas are currently flooded by tides, and soils affected by surface saline intrusion. The conclusion of the dike, foreseen in a short term, is fundamental to save still existing agricultural areas and to reclaim flooded areas. However, it is necessary to remediate these soils from salt contamination in order to return them back to agriculture. In this context, we propose to conduct an innovative and multidisciplinary project, linking the team scientific knowledge on agriculture and soils, environmental chemistry and salt marsh ecology, in combination with local farmer’s knowledge. This proposal will integrate two of the topics proposed by OHM-Estarreja: Evolution of the Relations Between Society and Environment and Evolution of Biodiversity. We propose, to evaluate the potential of the autochthonous halophyte Salicornia ramosissima to remediate the BVL salt contaminated soils. Apart from having a phytoremediation capacity, S. ramosissima is currently considered a gourmet plant with high market demand as a green fashionable vegetable, dished up in fine restaurants all over the world. Hence, it can be grown as a cash crop and be an alternative in salinized soils for farmers in the region. RESTORE project can also serve as showcase for other coastal areas under treat due to salt contamination.


Ana Lillebø, Ana Sousa, Bruna Marques, Ricardo Calado